What we are known for
We Help Fitness Professionals Build Their Dream Online Fitness Businesses, By Cutting Through The Internet Marketer 'BS', Getting Rid Of All The Confusion & Simply Implementing PROVEN and PREDICTABLE strategies.
Our Goal Is To Help Fit Pro's Escape The Long Days On The Gym Floor, Sh*t Early Mornings, Late Nights & Weekend Sessions. But Instead Work From Where-Ever & When-Ever You Prefer
Building Your Online Fitness Business Should NOT Be ‘Hard’. If It's ‘Hard & Confusing’ We BelieveThen You're Doing It Wrong.
That Being Said - Building A Business That Is Stable, Consistent And Will Give You The Impact, Financial and Lifestyle Freedom For Life Is NOT Easy. Once You Have It Set Up The Right Way & It's Up And Running... It Can Help You Get Out Of The 'Time-For-Money' Trap And Which Relies On ‘You Doing It’ Every Moment Of the Day, So If You're Not Prepared To Give It The Energy And Focus Any New Business Deserves - Then We're Probably NOT Going To Be A Fit. Let Us Know If That's The Case & We'll Be Happy To Point You In the Right Direction Towards The Million Of 'Coaches' Who Can Make You a Millionaire Overnight While You Sleep :)
Our Mission
Stats Show That The Majority Of Fitness Professionals In Our Industry Start Full Of Passion And Desiree To Help Impact People's Lives BUT Unfortunately Don't Last And Quit Within 2 Years! The Problem Is That We're Taught To Be Great Trainers & Coaches, NOT Taught To Be Great Business Owners!
Our Mission Is To Impact On That Terrible Stat, Help Teach Trainers How To Be Not Only Great Trainers BUT Successful Business Owners And With That Be Around Long Term, Make MASSIVE Impact Into The Health & Lives Of Their Clients All Around The World.
A "Close-Knit Crew" Of Exceptional People, All Elevating Each Other & Working Towards The Common Goal Of Cutting Through ALL THE 'BS' In The Fitness Industry & Helping People Live Healthier & Happier Lives.
This is me doing a video in Venice Beach, California :)
Firstly I hate all those ‘about’ pages that talk about the person in 3rd person and talk all about how awesome they are and ‘big note’ themselves in a way that sounds like someone else is writing about them, although we all know its them. So…. I wont be doing that :) here we go…
My name is Chris Lynton. I’m just a regular guy who’s been in the fitness industry all my life. I’m NOT a marketing guy; I’m NOT a social media marketing expert; I’m NOT a business dude.
I’m just a guy who has a passion for health and fitness and as a result gravitated towards the industry early on and quickly learn that if I didn’t pull up my socks and learn about marketing, social media marketing and how to be successful in business – then my time in the fitness industry would be short lived.So I spent the last 10 years learning everything I could, busted my butt day in and day out and spent a small fortune in books, courses and so on.
And as a result I’ve now have ownership or revenue shares in multiple businesses and have helped generate collectively over $150 million revenue for my businesses & the ones I’ve worked with.
I’ve pretty much helped all the big names in the space (started with them before they were big names), with one them recently being named as the Forbes 3 biggest fitness influencers in the world (Emily Skye). Yearly my businesses & me spend and manage a small fortune in FB/IG advertising – A bit over $300,00 just looking at the last 12 months (and no this is NOT a BS figure like many other people out there talk about – want me to send you a screen shot to prove it – just email me and it’s yours)
Why should you care what I spend per year on ads… well you shouldn’t…
Why it’s important though is that I spend more in a year, than most fitness business do in a lifetime. What that means is I learn faster, have done every test you could think of and more importantly – I know how to get a return on the ads. If I didn't know my shit and spent that much, this website wouldn't exist because I’d probably be homeless right now.
Anyways obviously I’m trying to impress you and I hate talking about myself BUT I need to make it clear why you should bother listening to me.. and why what I say is not BS or ‘theory’. Like I said Ive been in the fitness industry for close to my whole life BUT it didn't start off all rose-y. When I was 23 about 5 years in the industry doing everything from working with local sporting teams to selling gym memberships
I had a Masters degree in Sport & nutrition science, had big University debt & didn't really like the idea of chasing & harassing people to become my clients all my life – so instead I worked at GNC full time for a measly $35,000 p/yr. Nope that's not a typo. It was a little depressing actually haha. One day the store was quite so I picked up a book called the secret. I realized I wanted more from life then just workingat GNC & I know I had more to offer. So it pumped me up to think positive and make shit happen.
I quit GNC & had a crack at starting a supplement biz coz I had all the suppliers contacts so I could buy it cheap. I borrowed money and bought $30k of supps, created some shitty brochures and sold supps packs to local footy teams & people I trained with.
In about 3-4months made enough back to pay off my debit and have some cash in the bank. It was better than GNC BUT I still had to hustle and chase people to make sales. I had no systems and I was still shit at marketing so it burnt me out. I was chasing people manually.
I realized I got educated about fitness and nutrition not business and marketing. So no matter how much POSITIVE THINKING I was gonna do (I call this HOPE marketing) OR if I was the best at helping people perform in sports
– if I didn't know HOW to get an unlimited amount of new customers predictably I was probably gonna burn out & end up back at GNC . So I threw in the supplement biz towel & made it my passion to learn how to market to get leads and clients on demand and get systems to do the tiring work for me. I was lucky enough to work under some of the worlds greatest marketing mentors, worked my arse off to learn fast & as a result figured out how to get truck loads of leads, customers and clients from online – so that's why I’ve got various fitness businesses now earning more than before and probably working half the time. The other half of the time I pretty much spend surfing and traveling coz I love it & coz my wife’s French so we fly back & forth all the time.
So why did we start Tribefit & why am I here today. Because of the results the people I was helping & the businesses I’m involved in were getting we were always getting PT’s asking if we could help them. My agency (The Marketing Engine) charges $10-$20k monthly retainers to the bigger businesses and that just not possible for a PT who are just starting out. Which meant that we were turning people away. I know how much it sucks not having the right model and not being awesome at marketing so we decided to start Tribefit for PT’s who want the same results, the same proven systems and templates as the big names have - but by teaching people to do it their selves they have the skills to make it happen instead of needing to pay big figures to get my team at my agency to do it for them. And by doing this we’ve created countless successful online trainers from all walks of life. Everything on this site, our social media assets, the free trainings etc is strictly a ‘BS FREE zone’
So feel free to cruise around, check everything out 1 million and 1 times and take your time :) Building your ideal online fitness business, the type of business you can love for life, isn’t a sprint, it's a marathon.
One of my favourite quotes is ‘Start with the end in mind’. If you can’t see yourself doing it for the next 5,10,15 years then it’s not the right place for you to be.
If and when your ready to make it happen make sure to reach out and say “G’day” – [email protected]